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Bom,os Portugueses também direito ao seu...
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663 Gold -

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:52 pm    Post subject: Bom,os Portugueses também direito ao seu... Reply with quote

Bom,eu iria apostar que apenas eu e o meu irmão somos portugueses no fórum inteiro,mas pronto,mesmo sendo apenas nós os dois,merecemos o nosso próprio local de convívio.
E,caso realmente não haja mais ninguém Português,olha,que se dane,pois assim nos serve de local para conversar em segredo,sem qualquer tipo de perturbação.
Assim sendo,se houver algum Português sem ser eu ou o meu irmão,faça favor,que você não está sozinho.
Sendo brasileiro,também podem conversar aqui,não é.
Também gostaria de saber,se alguem poderia confirmar o rumor de que o "Roc" é Português/Brasileiro.
O interessante é como nós percebemos bem o tópico dos espanhóis,enquanto a maior parte deles não faz ideia o que diz no nosso,o que é bastante bom.
E sim,estou a fazer isto grande,longo,e muuuuuuito compacto,precisamente para ser mais difícil de ler,isto sim faz os outros leitores confusos,Mwhahah!
Também,é com orgulho que o Portugues é a língua mais próxima do Latim que existe.E agora um desafio aos estrangeiros no local.....:

And thus a challenge to foreigners in here...
If you have a guess on the meaning of any of the words on the above text,feel free to cast it out.Then we'll tell whether you got it right or not. Wink

Oh,and by the way,this is in Portuguese.Portuguese from Portugal too,not Brazil.We had a certain role during the 17th century,so we get our own home here Smile
"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win."
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Bom, agora que isto aqui está podemos passar a vida a falar na nossa língua natural. =P

Por isso suponho que nem foi má ideia. E, como os brasileiros estão a invadir as comunidades de toda a internet ( sem ofensa, claro =P ) acho que podem aparecer aqui brasileiros. Se calhar até mais que portugeses. Para quem não sabe, ( e que devido à natureza da língua desta mensagem, provavelmente vai continuar a não saber, =P ) eu e o Greyfox somos irmãos gémeos.

Acho esta zona do forum interessante, especialmente visto que também compreendo os tópicos espanhóis, hehehehe... Wink

Bom talvez consigamos atrair mais algum português por aí, quem sabe...

É verdade, se não fossemos nós, os ingleses nunca teriam colonizado a América até muito mais tarde, hehe. Ah, Isso e os holandeses, que nos devem a sua evolução rápida nesta época. =P

Brasilians feel free to join us, even if you just introduce yourselves.

Hey everybody english, behold our private chat... Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Portugal poderia também ter sido reconhecido nesta época se não se tivesse junto aos espanhóis.Se assim fosse,teria mantido os Judeus em seu territorio,ganhando assim a vantagem que acabou por perder face aos Holandeses devido a emigraçao.
Tomem este texto por exemplo.

Quando os Portugueses conquistaram o Atlântico Sul, eles estavam na linha da frente das técnicas de navegação. A abertura para a aprendizagem com sábios estrangeiros, muitos deles Judeus, tinha trazido conhecimento que se traduzia directamente na aplicação prática, e quando em 1492 os Espanhóis decidiram obrigar os seus Judeus a adoptar o Cristianismo ou a sair, muitos encontraram refúgio em Portugal, então com uma política mais relaxada face ao Judaísmo. Mas em 1497, pressão da Igreja Romana e de Espanha levou a coroa portuguesa a abandonar esta tolerância. Cerca de 70.000 judeus foram forçados a um baptismo meramente formal. Em 1506, Lisboa viu o seu primeiro pogrom, que matou dois mil Judeus "convertidos" (a Espanha já vinha fazendo o mesmo desde há duzentos anos). A partir daí a vida intelectual e científica de Portugal desceu a um abismo de intolerância, fanatismo e pureza de sangue.
O declínio foi gradual. A Inquisição portuguesa foi instalada apenas na década de 1540 e queimou o seu primeiro herético em 1543; mas só se tornou cruelmente amedrontante a partir de 1580, após a união das coroas portuguesa e espanhola sob a pessoa de Filipe II de Espanha. Entretanto, os cripto-judeus, incluíndo Abraão Zacuto e outros astrónomos, acharam a vida em Portugal suficientemente perigosa para saírem em grandes números.
... Os cientistas, matemáticos e físicos cripto-judeus do passado tinham saído. Nenhuma outra minoria dissidente apareceu para tomar o lugar deles... se os ganhos da troca de mercadorias são importantes, esses ganhos são ainda pequenos comparados com os ganhos da troca de idéias".

E nós que podiamos ter sido piratas Smile~

Se bem que nós influenciamos muito o Japao,de que eu gosto,por isso também há que ficar felizes.A nossa influência sobre o japao e também relatada,por exemplo aqui neste texto:

Assim inicia o Padre Luis Froes sua carta de 1588 à Companhia de Jesus em Portugal. Esta carta, sem que seu autor se desse conta, relata para nós os momentos iniciais do declínio do prestígio da Ordem Jesuíta e do comércio português no Japão. Ela marca o início do fim da aventura destes homens no Japão na virada do séc. XVI para o XVII. Uma aventura que começou a se delinear em 1543, quando Portugal "descobre" o arquipélago japonês, e que toma real impulso em 1549, ponto de partida de nossa análise, uma vez que este ano assistiu à chegada dos primeiros jesuítas em Kagoshima, liderados pelo Padre Francisco Xavier. Desde o início, a Cia. de Jesus - embora apresentando em seus quadros padres de diversas nacionalidades - mostrou-se defensora dos interesses de Portugal, o que fica explícito na fala do próprio padre Francisco Xavier ao referir-se à sua ida ao Japão, afirmando: "vamos três portugueses e três japões".

O Japão de fins do séc. XVI apresenta-se como uma sociedade em ebulição, politicamente instável, uma vez que o Shogunato de Kamakura está em fase de decadência, gerando uma guerra civil pela disputa do poder central entre os vários daimyo (senhores de grandes "feudos"). No meio deste caos, três generais (Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi e Tokugawa Ieyasu) se sucedem, tentando unificar o país e, conseqüentemente, buscando, cada um, ser aceito como o novo Shogun. Na verdade, quem governava de fato era o Shogun, sendo o Imperador um símbolo sem poder político efetivo. Ao mesmo tempo, a esfera religiosa também apresenta-se conturbada, especialmente no tocante às duas principais doutrinas religiosas: o shinto (shintoísmo) e o butsudo (budismo). O shintoísmo está em crise, pois não consegue exercer, neste momento, qualquer influência política devido à situação vivenciada pela Corte Imperial, uma vez que um de seus pilares é a figura do Imperador. O budismo, ao contrário, apresenta um retrospecto de grande penetração nas esferas políticas e um desenvolvimento de novas seitas de poderosa influência na sociedade, seitas estas que contestam o poder centralizador do Shogunato. Tal posição faz com que o budismo se torne uma ameaça para aqueles que lutam por esse poder. O budismo era forte não só no âmbito religioso, mas também - ao contrário da imagem de "paz e tranqüilidade" que costuma povoar nosso imaginário - militarmente. Das seitas budistas que realizaram levantes neste período, merece destaque a seita Ikko, que segue a linha doutrinária da "Verdadeira Terra Pura", cujas origens remontam ao amidismo do séc. XIII, caracterizando-se por pregar a salvação pela fé, apresentando, assim, um ponto em comum com o próprio cristianismo, cuja pregação é então incentivada por Nobunaga como meio de combater a oposição do budismo.

Enfim, é neste Japão conturbado, de grandes incertezas que se desenrola a aventura dos jesuítas, os quais formam a linha de frente dos interesses de Portugal e da Cristandade no Extremo Oriente. Assim, nossa proposta de estudo consiste na análise do confronto Ocidente/Oriente, ou seja, jesuítas e portugueses de um lado, e monges budistas e japoneses de outros, buscando a compreensão do olhar que os primeiros lançam sobre a sociedade japonesa e o impacto que esta exerce sobre aqueles ocidentais. Trata-se de um jogo, onde vários interesses estavam envolvidos: o monopólio português do comércio na região, para Portugal; a ampliação das fronteiras da cristandade, para os jesuítas; a ampliação do comércio com o exterior enquanto elemento gerador de poder e riqueza, para os daimyo; a presença de missionários que competissem com os monges rebelados, para Nobunaga e seus seguidores.

Para o estudo de tal questão, torna-se fundamental a contextualização da situação política existente no Japão à época da chegada dos primeiros portugueses e dos missionários jesuítas. Da mesma forma, é importante abordarmos a matriz religiosa que dá forma e conteúdo à sociedade japonesa de fins do séc. XVI, o que torna essencial a compreensão do budismo, principalmente. A partir daí, acreditamos poder buscar uma análise comparativa entre o cristianismo pregado pela Companhia de Jesus e o budismo, de maneira a que possamos compreender como se deu o processo de conversão à fé cristã. Uma vez que nossa proposta de estudo consiste no que pode ser denominado ascensão e queda da influência jesuíta no Japão feudal, optamos por delimitar temporalmente nossa pesquisa tendo, como marco inicial o já citado ano de 1549, e elegemos a proclamação do primeiro edital contra os missionários jesuítas, datado de 1587, como ponto final de nossa análise.

Neste meio tempo, o ano de 1580 merece destaque, uma vez que o prestígio dos jesuítas e dos portugueses no Japão começa a apresentar um acentuado processo de deterioração. Neste mesmo ano inicia-se para Portugal o período da União Ibérica, de acordo com a qual as zonas de influências ultramarinas portuguesas e espanholas eram autônomas, não estando, portanto, o Japão aberto ao comércio com os espanhóis. Tal determinação nada significou para os espanhóis sediados nas Filipinas, que passam a promover a entrada de frades franciscanos no Japão, a fim de que estes abram caminho para a penetração espanhola. Os japoneses assistem, então, ao embate entre jesuítas e franciscanos, os primeiros defendendo os interesses portugueses e os últimos defendendo o lado espanhol. Além de estar contra a posição adotada pela União Ibérica, tal atitude também coloca-se contra o Papado, uma vez que este havia concedido à Companhia de Jesus a exclusividade no trabalho missionário no Japão. Assim, as duas ordens se chocam. Embora os jesuítas tenham a vantagem de estar a mais tempo no arquipélago, tendo influência sobre vários daimyo - além de conhecerem bem o idioma local -, tal contenda provoca sérias rachaduras na imagem da ordem e, em decorrência, na imagem de Portugal.

Como dissemos anteriormente, optamos por delimitar nossa análise entre o período de 1549 e 1587, no entanto, a história do cristianismo e dos portugueses no Japão não se encerra de fato neste último ano. Mas o que acontece a partir de então é uma história de perseguições religiosas, povoada de mártires e rebeliões. Não é mais, também, uma história só de portugueses e jesuítas, mas de europeus, não apenas católicos, mas também protestantes, terminando por encenarem no Japão uma reprodução das conflituosas relações que vivenciam na Europa.

Os Japoneses têm muito que nos agradecer Smile
"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win."
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eu gosto muito dos Japoneses... YAY Japoneses para todos.. =P

Infelizmente os nossos livros de história falam pouco sobre os japoneses. Aiii, e tal.. Nós fomos lá...deixámos lá a pólvora porque nos apeteceu, e prontos foi só isso... Ah yah, isso e que os gajos pensávam que nós éramos bárbaros, mas isso, relativamente... Os japoneses só foram estúpidos em 3 coisas:

1. Pensavam que nós não tínhamos casa fixa. ( Só porque viemos de navio para a Ásia Oriental, não quer dizer que o tenhamos construído no mar... )

2. Pensavam que nós não tínhamos alfabeto. ( Porreiro, claro que não sabiamos falar Japonês!!! )

3. Pensavam que nós não tínhamos maneiras. ( Podera, nós lá sabiamos os costumes deles! )

Depois, há muita especulação sobre quem é que teve a brilhante ideia de lhes oferecer a pólvora o que nos deram em troca. Sobre isso e sobre as lendas de como a apresentámos... Nao me parece que um português qualquer tenha morto três Rouxinóis ou 2 Andorinhas e 1 outro passarito qualquer ou o que é que foi com apenas um tiro... Talvez dois, mas pá... Guns Blazing

Bom, a nossa relação com os Ingleses é esquisita... quer dizer... ai... nós somos vossos aliados e tal. Mas se andarmos à porrada não há problema. Duelling

Agora em relação de usarmos isto para falar ao calhas é bom para o gold.. Yay.

Atenção, estou a dizer uma coisa ao calhas e os ingleses pensam que é importante


Os espanhóis devem perceber "Un Poco" como dizem... mas de resto, penso que a maioria dos portugueses sao literariamente mais cultos das línguas Ibéricas que os espanhóis. Os espanhóis sabem espanhol, e mais algumas coisas. Nós sabemos Português e Espanhol.

Pronto. Os pensamentos do dia foram lançados ao público que não os compreende. Paz.. =P Retired in Panama

Agora, se nao te importas irmão, vou ver se há novas informações sobre aqueles MMORPGs que temos andado por aí a ver. Xau.
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663 Gold -

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

O tatsumaki ou lá o que era?
Sim parece bom,ate porque tenho aqui uma pequena overview:

Ever lay awake at night dreaming of a simpler time, a time when the sword ruled and people still lived off the land. Step into Japan in the beginning of the 16th century and join an ever expanding world rich with life. Help your friends overthrow the Shogunate, or take up arms and hunt down the man who assassinated your father. Fish for rare creatures as trophies and food, or craft decorative armor for the Emperor himself.

Unique combat system more similar to a Fighter as opposed to a MMORPG.
Complete lack of monsters, experience, classes, or races.
Weapons and armor that maintain a realistic feel without unrealistic damage or defense qualities.
Ability to do any job or follow any belief you wish in true role playing spirit.
Build your own homes, castles and entire towns.
Weekly special events, as well as many other recurring events.
Realistic weather system where the weather actually effects the game.
Innovative pricing system, quite flexible and competitive with current MMORPGs.
Experimental crafting system that opens up millions of crafting possibilities.

Pelo menos bom aspecto tem.O GW também parece bom!

Ah,e juntem-se ao RP.Olhem o meu profile:

Description:Tall,dark-haired male,healthy both in mind and body,trained as a Naval Surgeon with the Navy.Wears brown pants,tan boots,and a black sleeveshirt,with a blue longcoat on top.
Also has a flat tricorne to shadow his face from the sun.
Carries a refined Cutlass,extremely well suited for parrying and blocking,though somewhat unwieldy for thrusting.
His general combat style relies on martial arts learned from voyages to Japan.Aditionally takes a Musketoon with him to finish fights quickly.
Owns only a small pinnace.
-Field Medicine
-Unarmed Fighting
-Sharp eye(Handy with rifles)

Junta-te mano.
"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win."
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663 Gold -

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Agora em outro Tópico,também fiz um pequeno guia sobre religioes na seccao do Civilization.Olhem :

Religions Mini-Guide

And teh religions.Many people underestimate them.
You can wreack havock with them.
I once destroyed a continent-sized solid empire about 20 min. after going on the game just with 1 missionary a treaty and lots of questions.
You see,you can get some nations really mad at each other with that,as well as really good allies too.
I see religion(in this game) as a subtle,diplomatic way to distort,manipulate,and destroy other nations.
Empires crumble before your Missionaries who don't even need an attack rating.
Thus,the best way to backstab an enemy nation is to say you want a border treaty to send harmless missionaries and strenghten your bond through mutual beliefs,bring an unknown number of troops as so called "escort" from animals and barbarians,then BANG!

Suddenly he got 251 armed soldiers right next to his capitol,no allies to help because their mad at his religious choice,and all routes and roads to send reinforcements cut and plundered by the enemies.
Then you can seize the town and burn it to ashes!
THus,the more religions you accept,aside your main one,the more different churches,temples and other praying places you can get,and they all give you culture,to have an outstanding empire.
Not to mention,infiltrating different missionaries of opposite religions in the strategicly positioned enemy cities can spread like a disease to all the nation and cause economic chaos and governmental disputes,insurgencies by the population,and loss of structures.

You can plan an Empires downfall during time of peace with just a mere missionary!

I bet most of you used to think of the religion as useless.
Hah!Wrong,it owns!

é sim,eu sou o maior Smile
Em futebol, sou do benfica..sim...e vi esta notícia,e realmente...:
O guarda-redes Quim, que poderia recuperar a titularidade no Benfica no jogo de quarta-feira com o Nacional, para a Taça de Portugal de futebol, lesionou-se no treino de hoje e está em dúvida para a recepção aos madeirenses.

Depois de perder a titularidade para o guarda-redes brasileiro Moretto, um dos reforços de Inverno, Quim candidatava-se agora ao regresso ao onze principal no encontro dos oitavos-de-final da Taça, numa perspectiva de rotatividade.

Face aos inúmeros compromissos em Fevereiro (campeonato, Taça e Liga dos Campeões), o técnico holandês Ronald Koeman já admitiu que irá fazer uso das alternativas no plantel (enriquecido com cinco reforços na reabertura de mercado) para evitar a sobrecarga física.

Nesta óptica, Koeman, que no último jogo do campeonato (derrota em Leiria por 3-1) efectuou, sem sucesso, cinco alterações da equipa, poderia dar nova oportunidade a Quim e oferecer algum descanso a Moretto, que nos dois últimos jogos da Liga portuguesa sofreu seis golos.

Esse cenário ganhou mais consistência no início do treino de hoje, quando Koeman perdeu alguns minutos a conversar com os dois guarda-redes do Benfica.

Depois, já em plena sessão e num lance dividido com Geovanni, Quim sofreu um toque no tornozelo direito e foi prontamente assistido pelos responsáveis médicos do Benfica. O guarda-redes ainda tentou regressar aos trabalhos, mas continuou a sentir dores e abandonou definitivamente o relvado.

O também guarda-redes Moreira e o avançado italiano Miccoli continuam a recuperar de lesões e falharam o treino de hoje.

Fonte: Lusa
Eu nao sou do Sporting,e gostava que o Benfica lhes passase a frente,mas a verdade e que nao os desgosto,e sao um terceiro clube.Por isso,aqui apresento uma noticia deles,mas sem quaisquer mas intencoes a nenhuma das partes.

O Sporting qualificou-se para os quartos-de-final da Taça de Portugal de futebol, ao derrotar o Paredes por 2-1, em jogo da sexta eliminatória, disputado no Estádio José Alvalade, em Lisboa.

Um golo de João Moutinho, na conversão de uma grande penalidade, já em período de compensações, permitiu hoje ao Sporting seguir para os quartos-de-final da Taça de Portugal com uma vitória suada sobre o Paredes, da segunda divisão, por 2-1.

O estreante Koke abriu o caminho para a vitória, num jogo em que os ''leões'' entraram praticamente a perder devido a uma grande penalidade, convertida por Nelson Campos, aos cinco minutos, a punir derrube de Miguel Garcia sobre Álvaro.

Sem nove dos titulares frente ao Nacional (1-0), para a Liga, no ''onze'' inicial (Ricardo, Abel, Caneira, Tonel, Custódio, Moutinho, Martins, Sá Pinto e Liedson), Paulo Bento apostou nas estreias do internacional sub-21 espanhol e de Hugo no eixo da defesa, pensando no embate do próximo fim-de-semana com o Vitória de Setúbal.

O rendimento da equipa ressentiu-se, embora o Paredes tenha conseguido inaugurar o marcador no primeiro lance de algum perigo do encontro, numa jogada que aparentemente parecia controlada.

Momentos antes, João Alves saiu lesionado e foi rendido por Moutinho, que rubricaria uma das melhores exibições do encontro, assumindo-se como uma das peças mais influentes do Sporting, juntamente com o argentino Romagnoli enquanto esteve em campo.

O empate surgiu, aos 18 minutos, precisamente num lançamento de Romagnoli para Koke que, na passada, à entrada da área e em posição frontal, atirou muito forte ao ângulo superior esquerdo da baliza de Jorge Silva, fazendo um golo de belo efeito.

Estava quebrada a resistência do Paredes e o Sporting tomou as rédeas do encontro. Aos 43 minutos, os ''leões'' poderiam mesmo ter elevado numa assistência de Koke para Deivid que o brasileiro não conseguiu desviar para o fundo das redes.

No reatamento, tal como havia acontecido no primeiro tempo, o Paredes foi a primeira equipa a criar perigo, aos 50 minutos, com Nelson Campos a entregar de bandeja o esférico a Álvaro, mas com o remate desta a sair escandalosamente sobre a barra.

Volvidos três minutos, já com Liedson em campo no lugar de Koke, Romagnoli deu a Nani, sem marcação no coração da área, a hipótese de alvejar com êxito a baliza do Paredes, mas a bola voltou a sair desastradamente sobre o travessão.

O jogo tornou-se então mais aberto, com as duas equipas a arriscarem mais, embora nem sempre da forma mais esclarecida, com o Sporting a ter o sinal mais, com destaque para um lance, aos 79 minutos, em que Deivid remate contra Jorge Silva, após um cruzamento de Romagnoli

Apesar de estarem a jogar em casa do segundo classificado da Liga principal do futebol português, os homens da II Divisão (antiga II B) apenas baixaram os braços com a grande penalidade infeliz concedida pela mão de Calica, já em compensações.

Fonte: Lusa
"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win."
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fabio e Ricardo vcs sao tao cultos... Smile bem apesar de os portugues terem conquistado metade do Brasil..... os russos tinham o territorio de espanha e potugal juntos hehe, neste kaso os Czares. Bem apesar de eu ser russo tambem adoro portugal, ja repararam Sailor
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663 Gold -

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Deveras....Vladislav Chernishov,é mesmo Smile .
E agora por isso,uma biografia que eu encontrei do meu pirata preferido,"Roche Brasiliano":

"HAVING given the history of a very plain and quiet buccaneer, who was a reporter and writer, and who, if he were now living, would be eligible as a member of an Authors' Club, we will pass to the consideration of a regular out-and-out pirate, one from whose mast-head would have floated the black flag with its skull and crossbones if that emblematic piece of bunting had been in use by the pirates of the period.

This famous buccaneer was called Roc, because he had to have a name, and his own was unknown, and "the Brazilian," because he was born in Brazil, though of Dutch parents. Unlike most of his fellow-practitioners he did not gradually become a pirate. From his early youth he never had an intention of being anything else. As soon as he grew to be a man he became a bloody buccaneer, and at the first opportunity he joined a pirate crew, and had made but a few voyages when it was perceived by his companions that he was destined to [73] become a most remarkable sea-robber. He was offered the command of a ship with a well-armed crew, of marine savages, and in a very short time after he had set out on his first independent cruise he fell in with a Spanish ship loaded with silver bullion; having captured this, he sailed with his prize to Jamaica, which was one of the great resorts of the English buccaneers. There his success delighted the community, his talents for the conduct of great piratical operations soon became apparent, and he was generally acknowledged as the Head Pirate of the West Indies.

He was now looked upon as a hero even by those colonists who had no sympathy with pirates, and as for Esquemeling, he simply worshipped the great Brazilian desperado. If he had been writing the life and times of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, or Mr. Gladstone, he could not have been more enthusiastic in his praises. And as in The Arabian Nights the roc is described as the greatest of birds, so, in the eyes of the buccaneer biographer, this Roc was the greatest of pirates. But it was not only in the mind of the historian that Roc now became famous; the better he became known, the more general was the fear and respect felt for him, and we are told that the mothers of the islands used to put their children to sleep by threatening them with the terrible Roc if they did not close their eyes. [74] This story, however, I regard with a great deal of doubt; it has been told of Saladin and many other wicked and famous men, but I do not believe it is an easy thing to frighten a child into going to sleep. If I found it necessary to make a youngster take a nap, I should say nothing of the condition of affairs in Cuba or of the persecutions of the Armenians.

This renowned pirate from Brazil must have been a terrible fellow to look at. He was strong and brawny, his face was short and very wide, with high cheek-bones, and his expression probably resembled that of a pug dog. His eyebrows were enormously large and bushy, and from under them he glared at his mundane surroundings. He was not a man whose spirit could be quelled by looking him steadfastly in the eye. It was his custom in the daytime to walk about, carrying a drawn cutlass, resting easily upon his arm, edge up, very much as a fine gentleman carries his high silk hat, and any one who should impertinently stare or endeavor to quell his high spirits in any other way, would probably have felt the edge of that cutlass descending rapidly through his physical organism.

He was a man who insisted upon being obeyed, and if any one of his crew behaved improperly, or was even found idle, this strict and inexorable master would cut him down where he stood. But although he was so strict and exacting during the [75] business sessions of his piratical year, by which I mean when he was cruising around after prizes, he was very much more disagreeable when he was taking a vacation. On his return to Jamaica after one of his expeditions it was his habit to give himself some relaxation after the hardships and dangers through which he had passed, and on such occasions it was a great comfort to Roc to get himself thoroughly drunk. With his cutlass waving high in the air, he would rush out into the street and take a whack at every one whom he met. As far as was possible the citizens allowed him to have the street to himself, and it was not at all likely that his visits to Jamaica were looked forward to with any eager anticipations.

Roc, it may be said, was not only a bloody pirate, but a blooded one; he was thoroughbred. From the time he had been able to assert his individuality he had been a pirate, and there was no reason to suppose that he would ever reform himself into anything else. There were no extenuating circumstances in his case; in his nature there was no alloy, nor moderation, nor forbearance. The appreciative Esquemeling, who might be called the Boswell of the buccaneers, could never have met his hero Roc, when that bushy-bearded pirate was running "amuck" in the streets, but if he had, it is not probable that his book would have been written. He assures us that when Roc was not drunk he was [76] esteemed, but at the same time feared; but there are various ways of gaining esteem, and Roc’s method certainly succeeded very well in the case of his literary associate.

As we have seen, the hatred of the Spaniards by the buccaneers began very early in the settlement of the West Indies, and in fact, it is very likely that if there had been no Spaniards there would never have been any buccaneers; but in all the instances of ferocious enmity toward the Spaniards there has been nothing to equal the feelings of Roc, the Brazilian, upon that subject. His dislike to everything Spanish arose, he declared, from cruelties which had been practised upon his parents by people of that nation, and his main principle of action throughout all his piratical career seems to have been that there was nothing too bad for a Spaniard. The object of his life was to wage bitter war against Spanish ships and Spanish settlements. He seldom gave any quarter to his prisoners, and would often subject them to horrible tortures in order to make them tell where he could find the things he wanted. There is nothing horrible that has ever been written or told about the buccaneer life, which could not have been told about Roc, the Brazilian. He was a typical pirate.

Roc was very successful in his enterprises, and took a great deal of valuable merchandise to Jamaica, but although he and his crew were always rich men [77] when they went on shore, they did not remain in that condition very long. The buccaneers of that day were all very extravagant, and, moreover, they were great gamblers, and it was not uncommon for them to lose everything they possessed before they had been on shore a week. Then there was nothing for them to do but go on board their vessels and put out to sea in search of some fresh prize. So far Roc’s career had been very much like that of many other Companions of the Coast, differing from them only in respect to intensity and force, but he was a clever man with ideas, and was able to adapt himself to circumstances.

He was cruising about Campeachy without seeing any craft that was worth capturing, when he thought that it would be very well for him to go out on a sort of marine scouting expedition and find out whether or not there were any Spanish vessels in the bay which were well laden and which were likely soon to come out. So, with a small boat filled with some of his trusty men, he rowed quietly into the port to see what he could discover. If he had had Esquemeling with him, and had sent that mild-mannered observer into the harbor to investigate into the state of affairs, and come back with a report, it would have been a great deal better for the pirate captain, but he chose to go himself, and he came to grief. No sooner did the people on the [78] ships lying in the harbor behold a boat approaching with a big-browed, broad-jawed mariner sitting in the stern, and with a good many more broad-backed, hairy mariners than were necessary, pulling at the oars, than they gave the alarm. The well-known pirate was recognized, and it was not long before he was captured. Roc must have had a great deal of confidence in his own powers, or perhaps he relied somewhat upon the fear which his very presence evoked. But he made a mistake this time; he had run into the lion's jaw, and the lion had closed his teeth upon him.

When the pirate captain and his companions were brought before the Governor, he made no pretence of putting them to trial. Buccaneers were outlawed by the Spanish, and were considered as wild beasts to be killed without mercy wherever caught. Consequently Roc and his men were thrown into a dungeon and condemned to be executed. If, however, the Spanish Governor had known what was good for himself, he would have had them killed that night.

During the time that preparations were going on for making examples of these impertinent pirates, who had dared to enter the port of Campeachy, Roc was racking his brains to find some method of getting out of the terrible scrape into which he had fallen. This was a branch of the business in [79] which a capable pirate was obliged to be proficient; if he could not get himself out of scrapes, he could not expect to be successful. In this case there was no chance of cutting down sentinels, or jumping overboard with a couple of wine jars for a life-preserver, or of doing any of those ordinary things which pirates were in the habit of doing when escaping from their captors. Roc and his men were in a dungeon on land, inside of a fortress, and if they escaped from this, they would find themselves unarmed in the midst of a body of Spanish soldiers. Their stout arms and their stout hearts were of no use to them now, and they were obliged to depend upon their wits if they had any. Roc had plenty of wit, and he used it well. There was a slave, probably not a negro nor a native, but most likely some European who had been made prisoner, who came in to bring him food and drink, and by the means of this man the pirate hoped to play a trick upon the Governor. He promised the slave that if he would help him,—and he told him it would be very easy to do so,—would give him money enough to buy his freedom and to return to his friends, and this, of course, was a great inducement to the poor fellow, who may have been an Englishman or a Frenchman in good circumstances at home. The slave agreed to the proposals, and the first thing he did was to bring some writing-materials to Roc, who [80] thereupon began the composition of a letter upon which he based all his hopes of life and freedom.

When he was coming into the bay, Roc had noticed a large French vessel that was lying at some distance from the town, and he wrote his letter as if it had come from the captain of this ship. In the character of this French captain he addressed his letter to the Governor of the town, and in it he stated that he had understood that certain Companions of the Coast, for whom he had great sympathy,—for the French and the buccaneers were always good friends,—had been captured by the Governor, who, he heard, had threatened to execute them. Then the French captain, by the hand of Roc, went on to say that if any harm should come to these brave men, who had been taken and imprisoned when they were doing no harm to anybody, he would swear, in his most solemn manner, that never, for the rest of his life, would he give quarter to any Spaniard who might fall into his hands, and he, moreover, threatened that any kind of vengeance which should become possible for the buccaneers and French united, to inflict upon the Spanish ships, or upon the town of Campeachy, should be taken as soon as possible after he should hear of any injury that might be inflicted upon the unfortunate men who were then lying imprisoned in the fortress.


When the slave came back to Roc, the letter was [81] given to him with very particular directions as to what he was to do with it. He was to disguise himself as much as possible, so that he should not be recognized by the people of the place, and then in the night he was to make his way out of the town, and early in the morning he was to return as if he had been walking along the shore of the harbor, when he was to state that he had been put on shore from the French vessel in the offing, with a letter which he was to present to the Governor.

The slave performed his part of the business very well. The next day, wet and bedraggled, from making his way through the weeds and mud of the coast, he presented himself at the fortress with his letter, and when he was allowed to take it to the Governor, no one suspected that he was a person employed about the place. Having fulfilled his mission, he departed, and when seen again he was the same servant whose business it was to carry food to the prisoners.

The Governor read the letter with a disquieted mind; he knew that the French ship which was lying outside the harbor was a powerful vessel and he did not like French ships, anyway. The town had once been taken and very badly treated by a little fleet of French and English buccaneers, and he was very anxious that nothing of the kind should happen again. There was no great Spanish force in [82] the harbor at that time, and he did not know how many buccaneering vessels might be able to gather together in the bay if it should become known that the great pirate Roc had been put to death in Campeachy. It was an unusual thing for a prisoner to have such powerful friends so near by, and the Governor took Roc's case into most earnest consideration. A few hours' reflection was sufficient to convince him that it would be very unsafe to tamper with such a dangerous prize as the pirate Roc, and he determined to get rid of him as soon as possible. He felt himself in the position of a man who has stolen a baby-bear, and who hears the roar of an approaching parent through the woods; to throw away the cub and walk off as though he had no idea there were any bears in that forest would be the inclination of a man so situated, and to get rid of the great pirate without provoking the vengeance of his friends was the natural inclination of the Governor.

Now Roc and his men were treated well, and having been brought before the Governor, were told that in consequence of their having committed no overt act of disorder they would be set at liberty and shipped to England, upon the single condition that they would abandon piracy and agree to become quiet citizens in whatever respectable vocation they might select.

[83] To these terms Roc and his men agreed without argument. They declared that they would retire from the buccaneering business, and that nothing would suit them better than to return to the ways of civilization and virtue. There was a ship about to depart for Spain, and on this the Governor gave Roc and his men free passage to the other side of the ocean. There is no doubt that our buccaneers would have much preferred to have been put on board the French vessel; but as the Spanish Governor had started his prisoners on the road to reform, he did not wish to throw them into the way of temptation by allowing them to associate with such wicked companions as Frenchmen, and Roc made no suggestion of the kind, knowing very well how greatly astonished the French captain would be if the Governor were to communicate with him on the subject.

On the voyage to Spain Roc was on his good behavior, and he was a man who knew how to behave very well when it was absolutely necessary: no doubt there must have been many dull days on board ship when he would have been delighted to gamble, to get drunk, and to run "amuck" up and down the deck. But he carefully abstained from all these recreations, and showed himself to be such an able-bodied and willing sailor that the captain allowed him to serve as one of the crew. Roc knew [84] how to do a great many things; not only could he murder and rob, but he knew how to turn an honest penny when there was no other way of filling his purse. He had learned among the Indians how to shoot fish with bow and arrows, and on this voyage across the Atlantic he occupied all his spare time in sitting in the rigging and shooting the fish which disported themselves about the vessel. These fish he sold to the officers, and we are told that in this way he earned no less than five hundred crowns, perhaps that many dollars. If this account is true, fish must have been very costly in those days, but it showed plainly that if Roc had desired to get into an honest business, he would have found fish-shooting a profitable occupation. In every way Roc behaved so well that for his sake all his men were treated kindly and allowed many privileges.

But when this party of reformed pirates reached Spain and were allowed to go where they pleased, they thought no more of the oaths they had taken to abandon piracy than they thought of the oaths which they had been in the habit of throwing right and left when they had been strolling about on the island of Jamaica. They had no ship, and not enough money to buy one, but as soon as they could manage it they sailed back to the West Indies, and eventually found themselves in Jamaica, as bold and as bloody buccaneers as ever they had been.

[85] Not only did Roc cast from him every thought of reformation and a respectable life, but he determined to begin the business of piracy on a grander scale than ever before. He made a compact with an old French buccaneer, named Tributor, and with a large company of buccaneers he actually set out to take a town. Having lost everything he possessed, and having passed such a long time without any employment more profitable than that of shooting fish with a bow and arrows, our doughty pirate now desired to make a grand strike, and if he could take a town and pillage it of everything valuable it contained, he would make a very good fortune in a very short time, and might retire, if he chose, from the active practice of his profession.

The town which Roc and Tributor determined to attack was Merida, in Yucatan, and although this was a bold and rash undertaking, the two pirates were bold and rash enough for anything. Roc had been a prisoner in Merida, and on account of his knowledge of the town he believed that he and his followers could land upon the coast, and then quietly advance upon the town without their approach being discovered. If they could do this, it would be an easy matter to rush upon the unsuspecting garrison, and, having annihilated these, make themselves masters of the town.

But their plans did not work very well; they [86] were discovered by some Indians, after they had landed, who hurried to Merida and gave notice of the approach of the buccaneers. Consequently, when Roc and his companions reached the town they found the garrison prepared for them, cannons loaded, and all the approaches guarded. Still the pirates did not hesitate; they advanced fiercely to the attack just as they were accustomed to do when they were boarding a Spanish vessel, but they soon found that fighting on land was very different from fighting at sea. In a marine combat it is seldom that a party of boarders is attacked in the rear by the enemy, although on land such methods of warfare may always be expected; but Roc and Tributor did not expect anything of the kind, and they were, therefore, greatly dismayed when a party of horsemen from the town, who had made a wide detour through the woods, suddenly charged upon their rear. Between the guns of the garrison and the sabres of the horsemen the buccaneers had a very hard time, and it was not long before they were completely defeated. Tributor and a great many of the pirates were killed or taken, and Roc, the Brazilian, had a terrible fall.

This most memorable fall occurred in the estimation of John Esquemeling, who knew all about the attack on Merida, and who wrote the account of it. But he had never expected to be called upon to [87] record that his great hero, Roc, the Brazilian, saved his life, after the utter defeat of himself and his companions, by ignominiously running away. The loyal chronicler had as firm a belief in the absolute inability of his hero to fly from danger as was shown by the Scottish Douglas, when he stood, his back against a mass of stone, and invited his enemies to "Come one, come all." The bushy-browed pirate of the drawn cutlass had so often expressed his contempt for a soldier who would even surrender, to say nothing of running away, that Esquemeling could scarcely believe that Roc had retreated from his enemies, deserted his friends, and turned his back upon the principles which he had always so truculently proclaimed.

But this downfall of a hero simply shows that Esquemeling, although he was a member of the piratical body, and was proud to consider himself a buccaneer, did not understand the true nature of a pirate. Under the brutality, the cruelty, the dishonesty, and the recklessness of the sea-robbers of those days, there was nearly always meanness and cowardice. Roc, as we have said in the beginning of this sketch, was a typical pirate; under certain circumstances he showed himself to have all those brave and savage qualities which Esquemeling esteemed and revered, and under other circumstances he showed those other qualities which Esquemeling [88] despised, but which are necessary to make up the true character of a pirate.

The historian John seems to have been very much cut up by the manner in which his favorite hero had rounded off his piratical career, and after that he entirely dropped Roc from his chronicles.

This out-and-out pirate was afterwards living in Jamaica, and probably engaged in new enterprises."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win."
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Os portugueses só a partir de 1530 iniciam a ocupação e a exploração sistemática do actual território que hoje constitui o Brasil. Esta ocupação durante dois séculos teve motivações essencialmente económicas.

No século XVI foi a exploração da madeira (Pau-Brasil), do Açúcar e do Gado. A colonização avançou ao longo da costa, depois expandiu-se por Pernanbuco, Bahia, invadindo o sertão nordestino até ao Maranhão, rumo ao norte, e descendo pelo vale do São Francisco, rumo a sul.

As missões dos jesuítas portuguesas, à semelhança do que faziam no Oriente, tornam-se um poderoso meio para a exploração dos novos territórios, avançando cada vez mais para o interior.

No século XVII os bandeirantes paulistas avançam também em vagas sucessivas para o interior do Brasil. Tinham uma motivação acrescida: a descoberta de minas de ouro e de pedras preciosas.

A expansão do Brasil provoca a sul os primeiros conflitos entre portugueses e espanhóis.

Este movimento é prosseguido no século XVIII, mas numa outra escala. O Brasil é agora uma prioridade de Portugal que investe em força na criação de uma enorme colónia, promovendo a sua ocupação efectiva, assim como a sua defesa. Até à sua independência em 1822, por questões fronteiriças Portugal envolve-se em contínuos conflitos com a Espanha, França e Inglaterra.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Deveras amigo , tambem encontrou informaçoes sobre a minha personagem favorita


Most authorities believe the character of Dracula in Bram Stoker’s novel was based upon the historical figure Vlad Tepes (pronounced tse-pesh), who intermittently ruled an area of the Balkans called Wallachia in the mid 15th century. He was also called by the names Vlad III, Vlad Dracula and Vlad the Impaler. The word Tepes stands for "impaler" and was so coined because of Vlad’s propensity to punish victims by impaling them on stakes, then displaying them publicly to frighten his enemies and to warn would-be transgressors of his strict moral code. He is credited with killing between 40,000 to 100,000 people in this fashion.

Origin of the name "Dracula"
King Sigismund of Hungary, who became the Holy Roman Emperor in 1410, founded a secret fraternal order of knights called the Order of the Dragon to uphold Christianity and defend the Empire against the Ottoman Turks. Its emblem was a dragon, wings extended, hanging on a cross. Vlad III’s father (Vlad II) was admitted to the Order around 1431 because of his bravery in fighting the Turks. From 1431 onward Vlad II wore the emblem of the order and later, as ruler of Wallachia, his coinage bore the dragon symbol.

The word for dragon in Romanian is "drac" and "ul" is the definitive article. Vlad III’s father thus came to be known as "Vlad Dracul," or "Vlad the dragon." In Romanian the ending "ulea" means "the son of". Under this interpretation, Vlad III thus became Vlad Dracula, or "the son of the dragon." (The word "drac" also means "devil" in Romanian. The sobriquet thus took on a double meaning for enemies of Vlad Tepes and his father.)

Historical Background
To appreciate the story of Vlad III it is essential to understand the social and political forces of the region during the 15th century. In broad terms this is a story of the struggle to obtain control of Wallachia, a region of the Balkans (in present-day southern Romania) which lay directly between the two powerful forces of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

For nearly one thousand years Constantinople had stood as the protecting outpost of the Byzantine or East Roman Empire, and blocked Islam’s access to Europe. The Ottomans nonetheless succeeded in penetrating deep into the Balkans during this time. With the fall of Constantinople in 1453 under Sultan Mohammed the Conqueror, all of Christendom was suddenly threatened by the armed might of the Ottoman Turks. The Hungarian Kingdom to the north and west of Wallachia, which reached its zenith during this same time, assumed the ancient mantle as defender of Christendom.

The rulers of Wallachia were thus forced to appease these two empires to maintain their survival, often forging alliances with one or the other, depending upon what served their self-interest at the time. Vlad III is best known by the Romanian people for his success in standing up to the encroaching Ottoman Turks and establishing relative independence and sovereignty (albeit for a relatively brief time).

Another factor influencing political life was the means of succession to the Wallachian throne. The throne was hereditary, but not by the law of primogeniture. The boyars (wealthy land-owning nobles) had the right to elect the voivode (prince) from among various eligible members of the royal family. This allowed for succession to the throne through violent means. Assassinations and other violent overthrows of reigning parties were thus rampant. In fact, both Vlad III and his father assassinated competitors to attain the throne of Wallachia.

History of Wallachia Prior to Vlad III

Wallachia was founded in 1290 by Radu Negru (Rudolph the Black). It was dominated by Hungary until 1330, when it became independent. The first ruler of the new country was Prince Basarab the Great, an ancestor of Dracula. Dracula’s grandfather, Prince Mircea the Old, reigned from 1386 to 1418. Eventually, the House of Basarab was split into two factions—Mircea’s descendant’s, and the descendants of another prince named Dan (called the Danesti). Much of the struggles to assume the throne during Dracula’s time were between these two competing factions.

In 1431 King Sigismund made Vlad Dracul the military governor of Transylvania, a region directly northwest of Wallachia. (Vlad III was born during this time, in the latter part of 1431.) Vlad was not content to serve as mere governor, and so gathered supporters for his plan to seize Wallachia from its current occupant, Alexandru I, a Danesti prince. In 1436 he succeeded in his plan, killing Alexandru and becoming Vlad II. (Presumably there was an earlier prince also named Vlad.)

For six years Vlad Dracul attempted to follow a middle ground between his two powerful neighbors. The prince of Wallachia was officially a vassal of the King of Hungary and Vlad was still a member of the Order of the Dragon and sworn to fight the infidel. At the same time the power of the Ottomans seemed unstoppable. Vlad was forced to pay tribute to the Sultan, just as his father, Mircea the Old, had been forced to do.

In 1442 Vlad attempted to remain neutral when the Turks invaded Transylvania. The Turks were defeated, and the vengeful Hungarians under John Hunyadi—the White Knight of Hungary--forced Vlad Dracul and his family to flee Wallachia. In 1443 Vlad regained the Wallachian throne with Turkish support, but on the condition that Vlad send a yearly contingent of Wallachian boys to join the Sultan’s Janissaries. In 1444, to further assure to the Sultan his good faith, Vlad sent his two younger sons--Vlad III and Radu the Handsome--to Adrianople as hostages. Vlad III remained a hostage in Adrianople until 1448.

In 1444 Hungary broke the peace and launched the Varna Campaign, led by John Hunyadi, in an effort to drive the Turks out of Europe. Hunyadi demanded that Vlad Dracul fulfill his oath as a member of the Order of the Dragon and a vassal of Hungary and join the crusade against the Turks, yet the wily politician still attempted to steer a middle course. Rather than join the Christian forces himself, he sent his oldest son, Mircea. Perhaps he hoped the Sultan would spare his younger sons if he himself did not join the crusade.

The results of the Varna Crusade are well known. The Christian army was utterly destroyed in the Battle of Varna. John Hunyadi managed to escape the battle under inglorious conditions. From this moment forth John Hunyadi was bitterly hostile toward Vlad Dracul and his eldest son. In 1447 Vlad Dracul was assassinated along with his son Mircea. Mircea was apparently buried alive by the boyars and merchants of Tirgoviste. (Vlad III later exacted revenge upon these boyars and merchants.) Hunyadi placed his own candidate, a member of the Danesti clan, on the throne of Wallachia.

On receiving news of Vlad Dracul’s death the Turks released Vlad III and supported him as their own candidate for the Wallachian throne. In 1448, at the age of seventeen, Vlad III managed to briefly seize the Wallachian throne. Yet within two months Hunyadi forced him to surrender the throne and flee to his cousin, the Prince of Moldavia. Vlad III’s successor to the throne, however—Vladislov II—unexpectedly instituted a pro-Turkish policy, which Hunyadi found to be unacceptable. He then turned to Vlad III, the son of his old enemy, as a more reliable candidate for the throne, and forged an allegiance with him to retake the throne by force. Vlad III received the Transylvanian duchies formerly governed by his father and remained there, under the protection of Hunyadi, waitng for an opportunity to retake Wallachia from his rival.

In 1453, however, the Christian world was shocked by the final fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans. Hunyadi thus broadened the scope of his campaign against the insurgent Turks. In 1456 Hunyadi invaded Turkish Serbia while Vlad III simultaneously invaded Wallachia. In the Battle of Belgrade Hunyadi was killed and his army defeated. Meanwhile, Vlad III succeeded in killing Vladislav II and taking the Wallachian throne.

Vlad III then began his main reign of Wallachia, which stretched from 1456-1462. It was during this period that he instituted his strict policies, stood up against the Turks and began his reign of terror by impalement.

The Life of Vlad III (1431-1476)

Vlad III was born in November or December of 1431 in the Transylvanian city of Sighisoara. At the time his father, Vlad II (Vlad Dracul), was living in exile in Transylvania. The house where he was born is still standing. It was located in a prosperous neighborhood surrounded by the homes of Saxon and Magyar merchants and the townhouses of the nobility.
Click to Enlarge

Little is known about the early years of Vlad III’s life. He had an older brother, Mircea, and a younger brother, Radu the Handsome. His early education was left in the hands of his mother, a Transylvanian noblewoman, and her family. His real education began in 1436 after his father succeeded in claiming the Wallachian throne by killing his Danesti rival. His training was typical to that of the sons of nobility throughout Europe. His first tutor in his apprenticeship to knighthood was an elderly boyar who had fought against the Turks at the battle of Nicolopolis. Vlad learned all the skills of war and peace that were deemed necessary for a Christian knight.

In 1444, at the age of thirteen, young Vlad and his brother Radu were sent to Adrianople as hostages, to appease the Sultan. He remained there until 1448, at which time he was released by the Turks, who supported him as their candidate for the Wallachian throne. Vlad’s younger brother apparently chose to remain in Turkey, where he had grown up. (Radu is later supported by the Turks as a candidate for the Wallachian throne, in opposition to his own brother, Vlad.)

As previously noted, Vlad III’s initial reign was quite short (two months), and it was not until 1456, under the support of Hunyadi and the Kingdom of Hungary that he returned to the throne. He established Tirgoviste as his capitol city, and began to build his castle some distance away in the mountains near the Arges River. Most of the atrocities associated with Vlad III took place during this time.
Atrocities of Vlad Tepes

More than anything else the historical Dracula is known for his inhuman cruelty. Impalement was Vlad III’s preferred method of torture and execution. Impalement was and is one of the most gruesome ways of dying imaginable, as it was typically slow and painful.

Vlad usually had a horse attached to each of the victim’s legs and a sharpened stake was gradually forced into the body. The end of the stake was usually oiled and care was taken that the stake not be too sharp, else the victim might die too rapidly from shock. Normally the stake was inserted into the body through the buttocks and was often forced through the body until it emerged from the mouth. However, there were many instances where victims were impaled through other body orifices or through the abdomen or chest. Infants were sometimes impaled on the stake forced through their mother’s chests. The records indicate that victims were sometimes impaled so that they hung upside down on the stake.

Vlad Tepes often had the stakes arranged in various geometric patterns. The most common pattern was a ring of concentric circles in the outskirts of a city that was his target. The height of the spear indicated the rank of the victim. The decaying corpses were often left up for months. It was once reported that an invading Turkish army turned back in fright when it encountered thousands of rotting corpses impaled on the banks of the Danube. In 1461 Mohammed II, the conqueror of Constantinople, a man not noted for his squeamishness, returned to Constantinople after being sickened by the sight of twenty thousand impaled Turkish prisoners outside of the city of Tirgoviste. This gruesome sight is remembered in history as "the Forest of the Impaled."

Thousands were often impaled at a single time. Ten thousand were impaled in the Transylvanian city of Sibiu in 1460. In 1459, on St. Bartholomew’s Day, Vlad III had thirty thousand of the merchants and boyars of the Transylvanian city of Brasov impaled. One of the most famous woodcuts of the period shows Vlad Dracula feasting amongst a forest of stakes and their grisly burdens outside Brasov while a nearby executioner cuts apart other victims.

Although impalement was Vlad Dracula’s favorite method of torture, it was by no means his only method. The list of tortures employed by this cruel prince reads like an inventory of hell’s tools: nails in heads, cutting off of limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, cutting off of noses and ears, mutilation of sexual organs (especially in the case of women), scalping, skinning, exposure to the elements or to wild animals, and burning alive.

No one was immune to Vlad’s attentions. His victims included women and children, peasants and great lords, ambassadors from foreign powers and merchants. However, the vast majority of his victims came from the merchants and boyars of Transylvania and his own Wallachia.

Many have attempted to justify Vlad Dracula’s actions on the basis of nascent nationalism and political necessity. Many of the merchants in Transylvania and Wallachia were German Saxons who were seen as parasites, preying upon Romanian natives of Wallachia. The wealthy land owning boyars exerted their own often capricious and unfaithful influence over the reigning princes. Vlad’s own father and older brother were murdered by unfaithful boyars. However, many of Vlad Dracula’s victims were also Wallachians, and few deny that he derived a perverted pleasure from his actions.

Vlad Dracula began his reign of terror almost as soon as he came to power. His first significant act of cruelty may have been motivated by a desire for revenge as well as a need to solidify his power. Early in his main reign he gave a feast for his boyars and their families to celebrate Easter. Vlad was well aware that many of these same nobles were part of the conspiracy that led to his father’s assassination and the burying alive of his elder brother, Mircea. Many had also played a role in the overthrow of numerous Wallachian princes. During the feast Vlad asked his noble guests how many princes had ruled during their lifetimes. All of the nobles present had outlived several princes. None had seen less then seven reigns. Vlad immediately had all the assembled nobles arrested. The older boyars and their families were impaled on the spot. The younger and healthier nobles and their families were marched north from Tirgoviste to the ruins of his castle in the mountains above the Arges River. The enslaved boyars and their families were forced to labor for months rebuilding the old castle with materials from a nearby ruin. According to the reports they labored until the clothes fell off their bodies and then were forced to continue working naked. Very few survived this ordeal.

Throughout his reign Vlad continued to systematically eradicate the old boyar class of Wallachia. Apparently Vlad was determined that his own power be on a modern and thoroughly secure footing. In the place of the executed boyars Vlad promoted new men from among the free peasantry and middle class; men who would be loyal only to their prince.

Vlad Tepes’ atrocities against the people of Wallachia were usually attempts to enforce his own moral code upon his country. He appears to have been particularly concerned with female chastity. Maidens who lost their virginity, adulterous wives and unchaste widows were all targets of Vlad’s cruelty. Such women often had their sexual organs cut out or their breasts cut off, and were often impaled through the vagina on red-hot stakes. One report tells of the execution of an unfaithful wife. Vlad had the woman’s breasts cut off, then she was skinned and impaled in a square in Tirgoviste with her skin lying on a nearby table. Vlad also insisted that his people be honest and hard working. Merchants who cheated their customers were likely to find themselves mounted on a stake beside common thieves.

The End of Vlad III

Although Vlad III experienced some success in fending off the Turks, his accomplishments were relatively short-lived. He received little support from his titular overlord, Matthius Corvinus, King of Hungary (son of John Hunyadi) and Wallachian resources were too limited to achieve any lasting success against the powerful Turks.

The Turks finally succeeded in forcing Vlad to flee to Transylvania in 1462. Reportedly, his first wife committed suicide by leaping from the towers of Vlad’s castle into the waters of the Arges River rather than surrender to the Turks. Vlad escaped through a secret passage and fled across the mountains into Transylvania and appealed to Matthias Corvinus for aid. The king immediately had Vlad arrested and imprisoned in a royal tower.

There is some debate as to the exact length of Vlad’s confinement. The Russian pamphlets indicate that he was a prisoner from 1462 until 1474. However, during this period he was able to gradually win his way back into the graces of Matthias Corvinus and ultimately met and married a member of the royal family (possibly the sister of Corvinus) and fathered two sons. It is unlikely that a prisoner would be allowed to marry a member of the royal family. As the eldest son was about 10 years old at the point Vlad regained the Wallachian throne in 1476, his release probably occurred around 1466.

Note: The Russian narrative, normally very favorable to Vlad, indicates that even in captivity he could not give up his favorite past-time; he often captured birds and mice and proceeded to torture and mutilate them. Some were beheaded or tarred-and-feathered and released. Most were impaled on tiny spears.

Another possible reason for Vlad’s rehabilitation was that the new successor to the Wallachian throne, Vlad’s own brother, Radu the Handsome, had instituted a very pro-Turkish policy. The Hungarian king may have viewed Dracula as a possible candidate to retake the throne. The fact that Vlad renounced the Orthodox faith and adopted Catholicism was also surely meant to appease his Hungarian captor.

In 1476 Vlad was again ready to make a bid for power. Vlad Dracula and Prince Stephen Bathory of Transylvania invaded Wallachia with a mixed contingent of forces. Vlad’s brother, Radu, had by then already died and was replaced by Basarab the Old, a member of the Danesti clan. At the approach of Vlad’s army Basarab and his cohorts fled. However, shortly after retaking the throne, Prince Bathory and most of Vlad’s forces returned to Transylvania, leaving Vlad in a vulnerable position. Before he was able to gather support, a large Turkish army entered Wallachia. Vlad was forced to march and meet the Turks with less than four thousand men.

Purported tomb
of Vlad Tepes
Vlad Dracula was killed in battle against the Turks near the town of Bucharest in December of 1476. Some reports indicate that he was assassinated by disloyal Wallachian boyars just as he was about to sweep the Turks from the field. Other accounts have him falling in defeat, surrounded by the ranks of his loyal Moldavian bodyguard. Still other reports claim that Vlad, at the moment of victory, was accidentally struck down by one of his own men. The one undisputed fact is that ultimately his body was decapitated by the Turks and his head sent to Constantinople where the sultan had it displayed on a stake as proof that the horrible Impaler was finally dead. He was reportedly buried at Snagov, an island monastery located near Bucharest.

Historical Evidence

In evaluating the accounts of Vlad Dracula it is important to realize that much of the information comes from sources that may not be entirely accurate. With each of the three main sources there is reason to believe that the information provided may be influenced by local, mainly political, prejudices. The three main sources are as follows: (1) Pamphlets published in Germany shortly after Vlad’s death, (2) pamphlets published in Russia shortly after the German pamphlets, and (3) Romanian oral tradition.

1. German Pamphlets

At the time of Vlad Dracula’s death Matthias Corvinus of Hungary was seeking to bolster his own reputation in the Holy Roman Empire and may have intended the early pamphlets as justification of his less than vigorous support of his vassal. It must also be remembered that German merchants were often the victims of Vlad Dracula’s cruelty. The pamphlets thus painted Vlad Dracula as an inhuman monster who terrorized the land and butchered innocents with sadistic glee.

The pamphlets were also a form of mass entertainment in a society where the printing press was just coming into widespread use. The pamphlets were reprinted numerous times over the thirty or so years following Vlad’s death—strong proof of their popularity.
2. Russian Pamphlets

At the time of Vlad III the princes of Moscow were just beginning to build the basis of what would become the autocracy of the czars. Just like Vlad III, they were having considerable problems with the disloyal, often troublesome boyars. In Russia, Vlad Dracula was thus presented as a cruel but just prince whose actions were intended to benefit the greater good of his people.
3. Romanian Oral Tradition
Legends and tales concerning Vlad the Impaler have remained a part of folklore among the Romanian peasantry. These tales have been passed down from generation to generation for five hundred years. As one might imagine, through constant retelling they have become somewhat garbled and confused and are gradually being forgotten by the younger generations. However, they still provide valuable information about Vlad Dracula and his relationship with his people.

Vlad Dracula is remembered as a just prince who defended his people from foreigners, whether those foreigners were Turkish invaders or German merchants. He is also remembered as a champion of the common man against the oppression of the boyars. A central part of the verbal tradition is Vlad’s insistence on honesty in his effort to eliminate crime and immoral behavior from the region. However, despite the more positive interpretation of his life, Vlad Dracula is still remembered as an exceptionally cruel and often capricious ruler.

Despite the differences between these various sources, there are common strains that run among them. The German and Russian pamphlets, in particular, agree remarkably as to many specifics of Vlad Dracula’s deeds. This level of agreement has led many historians to conclude that much of the information must at least to some extent be true.

There are about nine anecdotes that are almost universal in the Vlad Dracula literature. They include the following:

1. The Golden Cup

Vlad Dracula was known throughout his land for his fierce insistence on honesty and order. Thieves seldom dared practice their trade within his domain, for they knew that the stake awaited any who were caught. Vlad was so confident in the effectiveness of his law that he laced a golden cup on display in the central square of Tirgoviste. The cup was never stolen and remained entirely unmolested throughout Vlad Dracula’s reign.
2. The Burning of the Sick and Poor

Vlad Dracula was very concerned that all his subjects work and contribute to the common welfare. He once notice that the poor, vagrants, beggars and cripples had become very numerous in his land. Consequently, he issued an invitation to all the poor and sick in Wallachia to come to Tirgoviste for a great feast, claiming that no one should go hungry in his land. As the poor and crippled arrived in the city they were ushered into a great hall where a fabulous feast was prepared for them. The guests ate and drank late into the night. Vlad himself then made an appearance and asked them, "What else do you desire? Do you want to be without cares, lacking nothing in this world?" When they responded positively Vlad ordered the hall boarded up and set on fire. None escaped the flames. Vlad explained his action to the boyars by claiming that he did this "in order that they represent no further burden to other men, and that no one will be poor in my realm."
3. The Foreign Ambassadors

Although there are some discrepancies between the German and Russian pamphlets in the interpretation of this story, they agree to the following: Two ambassadors of a foreign power visited Vlad’s court at Tirgoviste. When in the presence of the prince, they refused to remove their hats. Vlad ordered that the hats be nailed to their heads, such that they should never have to remove them again.

Note: The nailing of hats to the heads of those who displeased a monarch was not an unknown act in eastern Europe and by the princes of Moscow.
4. The Foreign Merchant

A merchant from a foreign land visited Tirgoviste. Aware of the reputation of Vlad Dracula’s land for honesty, he left a treasure-laden cart unguarded in the street over night. Upon returning to his wagon in the morning, the merchant was shocked to find 160 golden ducats missing. Then the merchant complained of his loss to the prince, Vlad assured him that his money would be returned. Vlad Dracula then issued a proclamation to the city—find the thief and return the money or the city will be destroyed. During the night he ordered that 160 ducats plus one extra be taken from his own treasury and placed in the merchant’s cart. On returning to his cart the next morning and counting his money the merchant discovered the extra ducat. The merchant returned to Vlad and reported that his money had indeed been returned plus an extra ducat. Meanwhile the thief had been captured and turned over to the prince’s guards along with the stolen money. Vlad ordered the thief impaled and informed the merchant that if he had not reported the extra ducat he would have been impaled alongside the thief.
5. The Lazy Woman

Vlad once noticed a man working in the fields while wearing a caftan (shirt) that he adjudged to be too short in length. The prince stopped and asked to see the man’s wife. When the woman was brought before him he asked her how she spent her days. The poor, frightened woman stated that she spent her days washing, baking and sewing. The prince pointed out her husband’s short caftan as evidence of her laziness and dishonesty and ordered her impaled, despite her husband’s protestations that he was well satisfied with his wife. Vlad then ordered another woman to marry the peasant but admonished her to work hard or she would suffer the same fate.
6. The Nobleman with the Keen Sense of Smell

On St. Bartholomew’s Day in 1459 Vlad Dracula caused thirty thousand of the merchants and nobles of the Transylvanian city of Brasov to be impaled. In order that he might better enjoy the results of his orders, the prince commanded that his table be set up and that his boyars join him for a feast amongst the forest of impaled corpses. While dining, Vlad noticed that one of his boyars was holding his nose in an effort to alleviate the terrible smell of clotting blood and emptied bowels. Vlad then ordered the sensitive nobleman impaled on a stake higher than all the rest so that he might be above the stench.
7. Vlad Dracula’s Mistress

Vlad Dracula once had a mistress that lived in a house in the back streets of Tirgoviste. This woman apparently loved the prince to distraction and was always anxious to please him. Vlad was often moody and depressed and the woman made every effort to lighten her lover’s burdens. Once, when he was particularly depressed, the woman dared tell him the lie that she was with child. Vlad had the woman examined by the bath matrons. When informed that the woman was lying, Vlad drew his knife and cut her open from the groin to her breast, leaving her to die in agony.
8. The Polish Nobleman

Benedict de Boithor, a Polish nobleman in the service of the King of Hungary, visited Vlad Dracula at Tirgoviste in September of 1458. At dinner one evening Vlad ordered a golden spear brought and set up directly in front of the royal envoy. Vlad then asked the envoy if he knew why this spear had been set up. Benedict replied that he imagined some boyar had offended the prince and that Vlad intended to honor him. Vlad responded that the spear had, in fact, been set up in honor of his noble, Polish guest. The Pole then responded that if he had done anything to deserve death that Vlad should do as he thought best. Vlad Dracula was greatly pleased by this answer, showered him with gifts, and declared that had he answered in any other manner he would have been immediately impaled.
9. The Two Monks
There is some discrepancy in the telling of this anecdote. The various sources agree, however, as to the basic story. Two monks from a foreign land came to visit Vlad Dracula in his palace at Tirgoviste. Curious to see the reaction of the churchmen, Vlad showed them rows of impaled corpses in the courtyard. When asked their opinions, the first monk responded, "You are appointed by God to punish evil-doers." The other monk had the moral courage to condemn the cruel prince. In the version of the story most common in the German pamphlets, Vlad rewarded the sycophantic monk and impaled the honest one. In the version found in Russian pamphlets and in Romanian verbal tradition Vlad rewarded the honest monk for his integrity and courage and impaled the sycophant for his dishonesty.

The Origins of the Vampire Myth

It is certainly no coincidence that Bram Stoker chose the Balkans as the home of his famous vampire. The Balkans were still basically medieval even in Stoker’s time. They had only recently shaken off the Turkish yoke when Stoker started working on his novel and the superstitions of the Dark Ages were still prevalent.

The legend of the vampire was and still is deeply rooted in the Balkan region. There have always been vampire-like creatures in the mythologies of many cultures. However, the vampire, as he became known in Europe and hence America, largely originated in the Slavic and Greek lands of Eastern Europe.

A veritable epidemic of vampirism swept through Eastern Europe beginning in the late seventeenth century and continuing through the eighteenth century. The number of reported cases rose dramatically in Hungary and the Balkans. From the Balkans the plague spread westward into Germany, Italy, France, England and Spain. Travelers returning from the Balkans brought with them tales of the undead, igniting an interest in the vampire that has continued to this day.

Philosophers in the West began to study the phenomenon. It was during this period that Dom Augustin Calmet wrote his famous treatise on vampirism in Hungary. It was also during this period that authors and playwrights first began to explore the vampire myth. Stoker’s novel was merely the culminating work of a long series of works that were inspired by the reports coming from the region
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969 Gold -

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

encontrei isto sobre os brazucas hehe, n cheguei a ler, tive ke estudar ,.....e é oke deviam fazer ge mi hoooo

Época Colonial

A vastidão e unidade do Brasil impressiona quem o visita. Foi uma das maiores proezas de Portugal no mundo. Um obra gigantesca de um pequeno povo durante 322 anos !

Durante o século XVI a ocupação centra-se sobretudo na costa, numa linha continua que ia de Natal até Cananéia. Ao longo da costa fundaram-se centenas de vilas e cidades: São Salvador da Baia, S. Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, etc, etc. A defesa da costa foi assegurado por um enorme e eficaz sistema de fortalezas.

No século XVII a ocupação, na costa norte avança até Oiapoque e Laguna, entrando pelo Amazonas. Na costa sul avança até ao Rio da Prata, na Argentina. Mas uma das maiores proezas foi a expansão para o interior, onde a acção dos bandeirantes paulistas foi decisiva. A administração reforça-se em Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Goiás, etc.


Colónia de Sacramento

A expansão do portugueses para sul leva-os a fundar, em 1680, a colónia do Sacramento, no estuário do rio da Prata, num ponto estratégico que lhes permitiria controlar a região. Para apoiar esta colónia fundam bases em Santa Catarina e no Rio Grande do Sul. A região torna-se num base de contínuos conflitos, entre Portugal e a Espanha, que desde 1640 estavam em guerra na Europa.

Os portugueses não desistem. O Tratado de Utrechet, em 1713, confirma que Sacramento é território português. Em 1735 o governo de Buenos Aires ataca Sacramento. Em 1750, pelo Tratado de Madrid, o Rio Uruguai passa a ser considerado o limite a sul do Brasil. Em consequência disto, a Espanha fica com Sacramento, recebendo Portugal o território dos Sete Povos das Missões. Mas ninguém desarma. No Tratado de Santo Ildefonso, em 1777, tudo volta ao princípio. D. João VI, em 1821, volta de novo a ocupar a região oriental do rio Uruguai e a província da Cisplatina. O assunto só fica resolvido, quando em 1828, o Brasil já independente aceita ceder este território, dando origem à República do Uruguai. Mais


No século XVIII é intenso o esforço português por dilatar o Brasil.

Marques de Pombal, Ministro do rei D. José 1º., avança para o controlo total do amazonas. Ao longo do rio Amazonas e dos seus afluentes fundam-se inúmeras povoações e um poderoso sistema de fortificações. As povoações entre Belém do Pará e Manaus (actual capital do Amazonas) adoptam nomes de localidade em Portugal: Faro, Óbidos, Aveiro, Alenquer, Alter do Chão, Santarém, Porto de Mós, Salvaterra, Soure, Oeiras, Portel, Chaves, Bragança, Viseu, Barcarena, Sintra, etc. Toda a guarnição do forte de Mazagão, em Marrocos é transferida para a selva amazónica onde fundou uma nova povoação. Entre os fortes destacam-se os de Macapá (1764) na foz do Amazonas, de Tabatinga (1776), no alto do Amazonas e do Príncipe da Beira (1776) no Guaporé.

Esta acção continuada pelo rei D. João VI, quando já estava na Brasil: De 1808 a 1817 os portugueses ocupam a Guiana Francesa, a norte de Amapá. Congresso de Viena, em 1815, atribuiu contudo este território à França e não ao Brasil. A delimitação desta fronteira só será resolvida em 1904.


Império (1822-1889)

As fronteiras do Brasil estavam praticamente definidas em 1822, embora subsistissem vários conflitos que o Império procurou resolver.

O território das Missões, em 1857, volta de novo a gerar conflitos com a Argentina. O assunto é resolvido apenas em 1895, ficando o Brasil com 30 mil km2.

O território do Acre foi dos problemas mais difíceis de resolver. Tudo começou em 1869-70, quando parte da população do Ceará ocupou territórios abandonados da Bolívia, para explorar a borracha. Apenas em 1899 a Bolívia reagiu, tendo-se originado conflitos. Em 1903 chegou-se a um acordo: o Brasil ficou com 191 ml km2 do Acre.

República (desde 1889)

A república herdou e solucionou de forma satisfatória as questões fronteiriças com Colombia (1907), Equador (1904), Bolívia (1903 e 1907), França (1904) Inglaterra (1904), Paraguai em 1895 e mais recentemente a propósito do território de Guaíra (1966).
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969 Gold -

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

para akeles ke n perceberam o 1post sobre o Vlad Tepes

Vlad Tepes, também conhecido por Vlad Drácula, nasceu na Transilvânia em 1431 na cidade de Sighisora. Tal como o seu pai, Vlad era seguidor da Ordem de Draco, que jurava combater os turcos. O nome Dracul significava Dragão, mas em romeno significava Demónio, e tornou-se o símbolo do seu pai, pois este usava o símbolo do Dragão nas suas moedas.

Com treze anos, Drácula foi capturado pelos turcos, que o ensinaram a torturar e empalar pessoas. Mas foi sob o seu reinado em Wallachia, de 1456 a 1462, que teve a “chance” de usar os seus conhecimentos.

O outro nome de Drácula, Tepes, significava o empalador. Vlad era assim chamado por causa do seu gosto pelo empalamento. Esta sua técnica foi muito usada contra os “boiardos” e também nas igrejas, católica e ortodoxa, para acabar com o poder que tinham sobre o povo.

O empalamento era uma forma medonha de execução. Ele matava as pessoas atravessando-as com uma estaca, untada com óleo, de forma a não causar a morte imediata, provocando uma morte lenta e horrível. Estendia a vítima no chão, de braços esticados, e amarrava cada um dos membros a um cavalo. Depois, arranjava um pau suficientemente grande para aguentar o peso da vítima. Esse pau devia ser bem bicudo para ser facilmente introduzido no ânus da vítima. Ao mesmo tempo que se introduzia o pau puxava-se os cavalos para a frente. Quando estivesse bem introduzido soltava os cavalos e enterrava a estaca na terra. Depois, a vítima com o seu peso, ia-se enterrando pela estaca abaixo até que esta lhe atravessasse a boca.

Esposas infiéis e mulheres promíscuas foram punidas por Drácula, tendo sido os seus órgãos sexuais cortados, a pele arrancada enquanto vivas e expondo-as em público, com as suas peles expostas perto dos seus corpos

Drácula apreciava a execução em massa, onde várias vítimas eram empaladas de uma vez. Diz-se que sentia prazer ao torturar os seus inimigos e para melhor apreciar o espectáculo fazia refeições tranquilamente enquanto os seus servos esquartejavam as suas vítimas, mostrando que o espectáculo cruel e a forma de matar os inimigos não lhe roubava o apetite.

Existe a história de emissários da corte turca que ousaram conservar os turbantes na sua presença e então o príncipe ordenou que os turbantes lhes fossem pregados aos seus crânios. Vlad também condenava pessoas do seu povo para serem castigadas. Elas podiam ser esfoladas, mutiladas, cozidas vivas ou mortas na fogueira.

Assim, apesar de famoso e aclamado pela Europa cristã, devido ao seu sucesso na guerra contra os turcos, o seu povo, cansado das suas crueldades, forjou uma carta onde dizia que o príncipe desertaria para o lado inimigo.

Vlad foi preso durante doze anos. Na prisão fez amizade com os guardas, que lhe forneciam ratos e outros pequenos animais com os quais se divertia empalando-os na cela.

Depois de solto voltou ao trono, sendo morto pouco depois, numa batalha contra os turcos.

Vlad Tepes, o Empalador, foi um príncipe da Valáquia, no século XV que inspirou o vampiro mais famoso do mundo, Drácula, criado por Bram Stoker. Vlad III nasceu em 1431 na cidade de Sighisoara (ou Schassburg), na Transilvânia, uma região montanhosa ao norte da atual Romênia. Seu pai era Vlad II, Príncipe da Valáquia, também conhecido como Vlad Dracul por ser um membro da Ordem do Dragão, um pacto medieval de luta contra os turcos. Assim, o menino herdou o apelido Drácula, que significa "filhote de Dragão". Há de se considerar, entretanto, que a palavra Drac tanto pode se referir a Dragão quanto a Demônio!

Em 1444, Vlad e seu irmão mais novo, Radu, se tornaram reféns dos turcos. Conta-se que foi nessa época que o menino aprendeu a torturar, treinando técnicas cada vez mais sinistras com ratos e outros animais! A principal delas consistia em varar o corpo do inimigo com uma estaca, de baixo até à cabeça... Esse método bárbaro garantiu ao pequeno Vlad mais um apelido: Tepes (Tsepesh), que significa "O Empalador". Em 1447, a Hungria tomou posse da Valáquia; Vlad II e seu filho mais velho, Mircea, foram assassinados. Um ano depois, os turcos resolveram libertá-lo, mas ele teve que se refugiar na Moldávia. Em 1456, Vlad Tepes conseguiu derrotar seu primo Vladislav II e assumir o trono da Valáquia. Como Tepes só foi libertado após a morte de Vlad Dracul, e era extremamente parecido com o pai, começaram a surgir os boatos de que o príncipe era imortal...

A crueldade do soberano ficou famosa em toda a Europa. Dizem que Vlad punia uma vila inteira para castigar uma pessoa, e que fazia suas refeições tranqüilamente enquanto seus inimigos eram esquartejados, esfolados e queimados! Uma história muito famosa conta que, em pleno domingo de Páscoa, Vlad se vingou das pessoas que teriam traído seu pai. Reunidos em Tirgoviste com suas melhores roupas, Vlad decidiu empalar os mais velhos e obrigou os demais a marchar até a cidade de Poenari, onde trabalharam como escravos na construção das muralhas do Castelo de Drácula! Em outro episódio, Vlad teria mandado pregar um turbante na cabeça de um turco desobediente...

Em 1462, Vlad Tepes perdeu o trono para seu irmão Radu, que tinha se aliado aos turcos. Conta-se que a esposa de Drácula teria se suicidado nessa ocasião, o que também inspirou a trama de Bram Stoker. Preso na Hungria até 1474, Vlad morreu dois anos depois, em plena luta para recuperar o poder na Valáquia. Até hoje, Vlad Tepes é considerado um herói nacional romeno, e muitos questionam sua associação com o maldoso vampiro da literatura. Entretanto, os mistérios de sua biografia, como a decapitação e posterior desaparecimento de seu corpo, alimentaram ainda mais a mística em torno de Vlad Drácula.

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969 Gold -

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bem,isto de ter um local de '' convivio '' em portugues e bom , very good, nao acham???? Very Happy , tenho ke voltar a arranjar o pirates e jogar, se kalhar um dia ira haver pirates MP
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anedotas portuguesas

P: Como se diz mini-saia em Russo?
R: Wite o cú.

Com a chegada de Mao-Tsé-Tung ao céu, Deus manda reunir o chefes da política dos maiores países do mundo e pergunta a cada um que desejo quer que lhes conceda.
Diz Mao-Tsé-Tung:
- Que acabe com os americanos e russos para haver felicidade no mundo.
Diz Kenedy:
- Que faça desaparecer os russos e chineses, para que haja liberdade e vida digna.
Diz Staline:
- Que destrua chineses e americanos, para que haja igualdade entre os homens.
Diz Churchill:
- Se cumprir as vontades destes 3, um café só, por favor.

Um russo foi comprar um carro e disseram-lhe que lho entregariam dali a dez anos.
- De manhã ou de tarde?- perguntou o comprador.
- Que é que isso interessa? É só daqui a dez anos!
- É que de manhã vai lá a casa o canalizador arranjar um cano que está roto.

Um russo, um preto, um jamaicano e um português íam numa viagem de barco. Como o barco estava a começar a afundar eles tiveram de se livrar de alguns coisas pessoais.
O russo pega nas garrafas todas de vodka e deita-as fora.
Diz o jamaicano:
- Hey pa, o que e que estás a fazer?
- Não faz mal... há muitas no meu país.
E então o jamaicano começa a deitar a ganza toda fora diz o português:
- Então pá! O que estás a fazer?
Responde o jamaicano:
- Não faz mal... há muito no meu país!
O português pega então no preto e deita-o ao mar e dizem os outros:
Então pá... o que estás a fazer?
- Não faz mal. Há muitos no meu país.

Durante a guerra entre a China e a Rússia, os chineses colocaram-se todos seguidinhos ao longo da fronteira, enquanto os russos os olhavam sem perceber o que estes pretendiam.
Diz então o general chinês aos seus homens:
- Virar costas! E os chineses viraram...
- Baixar as calças! E os chineses baixaram...
O general russo disse logo:
- Aproveitar!!! E os russos foram de imediato aproveitar-se da situação.
De seguida, diz o general chinês:
- Fechar os traseiros e trazer os prisioneiros!

P: Sabem porque é que o Hitler se suicidou?
R: Mandaram-lhe a conta do gás...

No Natal, Hitler visita o campo de concentração:
- Hans, estou com espírito natalício. Podes mandar metade dos prisioneiros embora.
- Qual metade, mein fuhrer?
- A metade de baixo, Hans.

P: Como é que o Hitler metia 50 judeus num Fiat 600?
R: 2 à frente, 2 atrás, o resto no cinzeiro.

Hitler chega a um campo de concentração, e pergunta pelo seu bolicao.
- Quem cómeu meu bulicao ??
- Hans, fudzila o 1º fila!
(ra ta ta)
- Quem cómeu meu bulicao ??
- Pode fudzila 2º fila!
(ra ta ta)
Um prisioneiro lá do fundo diz, timidamente:
- Fui eu.
- Onde estarr o cromo ??

No campo de concentração, diz o Hitler:
- Judeus, hoje o jantar vai ser carne de porco.
Os judeus satisfeitos dão "vivas" de alegria. Hitler acrescenta:
- Calem-se porcos!

Hans fala aos judeus num campo de concentração:
- Judeus, a partir de hoje nenhum de vocês será queimado!!!
Hitler comprou um micro-ondas!!

O Hans está a remexer as cinzas do cinzeiro... Entra Hitler:
- Hans, quem procuras??

No campo de concentração, uma rapariga está toda feliz. Pergunta-lhe o Hitler:
- Porrque estás tam contente??
- Amanhã é o meu aniversário!
E o Hitler responde:
- Não é nada !!

No campo de concentração, Hans dirige-se aos judeus:
- Hoje Hitler acordarr bem disposto, judeus poderrr jogarr futebol!!
Todos os judeus celebram a notícia.
- O jogo é no campo de minas.

Hilter diz para os judeus:
- Hoje quem ganhar a corrida contra mim vai para casa.
Os judeus comemoram
Diz Hitler:
- Hans liga a mota!!

Hans estava a mandar judeus de uma varanda a baixo. Toca o telefone, o Hitler atende e diz:
- Hans vem ao telefone
- Não posso. Estou a jogar TETRIS.

Diz o Hitler:
- Quem conseguir nadar até a outra ponta da piscina vai para casa.
(A piscina estava vazia)
Os judeus atiram-se todos excepto um.
O Hitler vai ter com ele e diz:
- Porque é que não te atiraste?
- Porque não sei nadar.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

+ anedotas portuguesas hehe

Na guerra colonial, lá os tipos de Angola decidem imitar Hitler e criaram as câmaras de gás para matar os seus prisioneiros. Certo dia, um soldado português é capturado, e condenado á câmara de gás. No dia da sentença, metem o fulano numa sala sem tecto, com janelas e porta abertas. Diz o gajo:
- É nesta sala que tencionam matar-me, uma sala sem tecto nem nada?
Nisto diz o preto:
- Espera até levares c'os bilha de gás na cabeça!

No campo de concentração, diz o Hitler:
- Judeuch, hoche focess jocar pollo aquatica!
Após uma manifestação de alegria entre os Judeus, diz o Hitler:
- Hans, dá os toucas azuis aos judeuch e os toucas verrdes aos crododiloch.

P: Sabem que o Hitler tinha sangue judeu ?
R: Sim, no para-choques do carro.

Hitler diz aos judeus:
- Quem saltar mais alto vai para casa.
Os judeus já estavam a festejar quando Hitler diz:
- Heinz, atira a granada.

Heinz diz aos judeus:
- Vamos fazer um jogo de futebol. Quem marcar golo vai para casa.
Os judeus estavam todos contentes quando Hitler diz:
- Heinz tira as balizas.

Frase famosas de algumas personalidades:
Shakespeare- "Ser ou não ser, eis a questão".
Sócrates- "Só sei que nada sei".
Hitler- "Deus no céu e eu na terra".
Bill Clinton- "Ch*pa aqui".

Certo dia o Hitler vira-se para os judeus e diz:
- Hoje vai aparecer uma gaja toda boa e vem toda nua quem no ficar com a excitado está livre!
- Hehehehehehhehehehehe
- Heinz dá-lhes viagra!!

Hitler diz aos Judeus:
- Metam-se todos na baliza!! Quem defender os meus penaltis vai para casa!!
- Fixe!!hehehehhhheeeeeeeeeeehhee!!
- Heinz, prepara o canhão!

Hitler chega a um campo de concentração e diz para os judeus:
- Hoje vamos fazer uma visita ao Parque Jurássico.
Os judeus fizeram uma granda festa e diz o Hitler:
- Heinz, solta o T-Rex.

Hitler diz aos prisioneiros dos campos de concentração:
- Hoje todos voces vão dormir com vossas mulheres!!
os prisioneiros:
- Heee, vivaaa
- Heins traz as fotografias.

O Hitler junta 40 judeus para uma prova de "Kamikazis", ou seja passar 3 obstáculos, eram eles: passar por um campo de fuzilamento; passar por uma piscina de um lado ao outro com tubarões; por fim passar por um campo minado.
No dia seguinte, diz o Hitler
- Heinzzzz!!!Dá a partida!
- Está bem...boommm!!!!
Heinz tinha dado o tiro.
Na primeira passagem morrem 5; na segunda
morrem 15; na terceira morrem 20, só 10 conseguiram chegar ao fim.
Esses judeus faziam a festa quando o Hitler diz:
- Para quê tanta festa!!! Foi falsa partida!!!!

Certo dia Hitler disse aos seus prisioneiros:
"Quem conseguir apanhar uma das bola verdes está livre."
Disse a um dos seus soldados:
- Heinz, atira as granadas

No acampamento, Hitler chamou os judeus prisioneiros até ele. Vai o primeiro:
- Quantos metros saltas?
- Meio metro.
- Dá- lhe meia carcaça.
Vai o segundo salta um 1m e o Hitler dá-lhe uma cacarça.
Como o terceiro estava cheio de fome disse a Hitler :
- Eu salto 5 m.
E Hitler deu-lhe um tiro.
- Porquê? -disse Heinz.
- É que o nosso morto salta a rede.
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